Join – a procedure when the rows of just one dining table are linked to the rows of some other through typical line values.

Join - a procedure when the rows of just one dining table are linked to the rows of some other through typical line values.

JSON - A data representation provided as a smaller sized but nevertheless humanly readable option to XML. JSON could be the acronym for JavaScript Object Notation, and it is often employed in web/cloud-based applications.

Key - a line or columns on which an index is built to permit quick and/or access that is sorted a dining dining table's line.

LAN - a nearby Area Network is employed to interconnect the computers in one geographical location. Contrasted to Wide Region Networks (WAN). Bandwidth (speed) is just a main distinction between regional and networking that is wide-area.

Library - The container for a couple of common pc computer pc software API functions. Often, a collection is found in a DLL or Shared Library.

Licensee - a client that features obtained the ability to utilize and/or distribute Raima Product(s).

Little-Endian - The convention that is little-endian a kind of addressing that relates to the purchase of information saved in memory. The least significant bit (or "littlest" end) is first stored at address 0, and subsequent bits are stored incrementally in this convention.

Little-endian is the contrary of big-endian, which stores the absolute most significant bit first. It is difficult to integrate two systems that use different endian conventions because they are opposites.

Neighborhood Procedure Call - a computer pc software function call to a collection function that exists in-process ( exact same computer, exact exact same procedure area). This might be as opposed to Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) that are to functions that live an alternative procedure, if they are exactly the same computer (using interprocess interaction) or perhaps a remote computer (using networking). ...