Or that some seafood can change gender?
Intrigued? Continue reading for 30 of the most animal that is bizarre practices.
Honey Bee: Exploding Testicles.
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The reproductive period of bees is fascinating - and complex. But listed here is the story that is short a queen is selectively bred in a particular "queen cell" in the hive and fed royal jelly by worker bees to induce her to be intimately mature.
A virgin queen that survives to adulthood without being killed by her competitors will need a mating trip by having a dozen or so drones that are maleout of tens of thousands eligible bachelors in the colony). But don't phone these drones lucky because during mating, their genitals explode and snap off inside the queen!
Strange because it is, this actually makes sense that is evolutionary the snapped-off penis acts as a genital plug to avoid other drones from fertilizing the queen. But inform that to your dead drone whose penis simply exploded.
[Note: this plan is indeed successful it is apparently utilized by other species of pets, for instance the male wasp spider]
(Image Credit: lavalife atlanta Veebl [Flickr])
Bonobo: Make Love Not War
Bonobo, striking a pose (Image Credit: Kabirdas [Flickr])
Who stated that violence is the only solution to re solve battles over food or territory? In place of fighting, bonobos [wiki] have sexual intercourse! Really, their entire societal framework appears to revolve around sex.
Bonobos utilize intercourse as greetings, a mean of re solving disputes, creating for fights, so that as a favors in exchange for meals. They tongue kiss, take part in oral intercourse, shared masturbations, have actually face-to-face genital sex and have even a strange "penis fencing" ritual!
Within their 1996 book titled Demonic Males: Apes and the Origins of Human Violence, Richard Wrangham and Dale Peterson had written:
"Chimpanzees and Bonobos both evolved through the ancestor that is same gave increase to people, yet the Bonobo is one of the most calm, unaggressive types of mammals living in the earth today. ...